Blue Magnolia Rust Magic Mushrooms
Blue Magnolia was isolated from a wild Mississippi spore collection in 2011, by Doc and Mycotek. Habitat featured bovine, equine dung, and enriched soils.
This is a particularly special isolation brought to us by HappyDemon. Consistent flushes with absolute monster fruits are to be unexpected.
Blue Magnolia Rust Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Blue Magnolia Rust) is a newer, high potency strain that is still quite rare in the mushroom markets today. This rare strain was developed by isolating spores from a sample collected from a wild Mississippi strain in 2011 by mycologists Doc and Mycotek. Through many hours of research online it is told that this strain was originally found near a horse ranch, and found growing on wood chips and horse manure.
Psychedelic Powers
The Blue Magnolia Rust has blueish caps with rust spots and relatively thick stems. They are generally large in size and expected to be the same or greater in potency as the famous Penis Envy strains.
Euphoria: psilocybin onset begins with an uplifting rush. It’s a pleasant, tingling sensation coupled with the bubbling effervescence of happiness.
Hallucinations: after euphoria, hallucinations set in. Shroom hallucinations often manifest as grids, polygons, or other shapes. They’re rarely confused with reality, although they can make driving difficult.
Flow of time: throughout shroom trips, you may notice time moving slowly. Each time you look up at the clock, you’re amazed by how little time has passed.
Other traits: hunger usually decreases during shroom trips. Shrooms may also increase wakefulness.